The actor  Ali Akbar won the best actor award for Laal Kabotar at Washington DC South Asian Film Festival. The proud actor shares this great news through his Instagram account with the caption, “Truly honoured to have won Best Actor at Washington DC South Asian Film Festival for Laal Kabootar,”. Laal Kabootar gained many good reviews from critics and Ali Akbar plays a cab driver in Karachi that wants to escape to Dubai; he brought grit and authenticity that is equal to what Karachi’s streets demand of men. Another  great news is that Laal Kabootar is also added in the submission for Oscars! “Humbled by the news! This is an extremely proud moment for the entire team, we are all very excited. Want to thank the Pakistan selection committee and audiences for giving Laal Kabootar so much love.” director Kamal Khan said.