Well there is a new genre introduced into the modern world that is of web series, well after proving himself as one of the finest actors in drama industry now the actor Ahsan Khan is all set to star in an upcoming web series for channel Zee starring Ayeza Khan, Gohar Rasheed, Samiya Mumtaz and Sohail Ahmed. Talking to media Ashan shares about his upcoming project, “Sana Shahnawaz came up with the idea and I was bowled out by the content. Shahnawaz has always stood out as a producer and brings to the table something new for the audiences. A great team leads to a great product so I am really looking forward to it.” addeding more he said, “The core narrative of the plot revolves around a family. It’s a modern take on family relationships and values. The drama industry has always brightened our world with realism that stays true to us for a longer time. I believe the treatment for the web medium is different especially keeping the international audience in mind.” Ahsan further added, “The web series genre has been around for a while now, one can’t fool the audience in the digital age, therefore if a viewer chooses to watch a Pakistani product, it should have our values depicted in a unique way through dramatization. The consumer now has a lot of options when it comes to binge watching original series. We shouldn’t get inspired by foreign content: we should stick to our roots without going overboard and produce good quality work.”