Tick Tock is a famous animated series which features the voices of well known TV and film artists.The series is produced by Sana Tauseef who has co-created it with Omair Alavi. The series now will be produced as a Feature Film! Tick Tock will be will be all about teaching children significant events of Pakistan’s history. The Actor Ahsan Khan seems too excited about this project.“I always wanted to do something for kids, especially because I’m a father and I know how it is these days. It’s obvious that we learn and retain more by watching hearing and understanding rather than just reading facts so this seems to be a great idea. They’re always on their devices and I can’t really drag them to the parks that culture has almost died. While working on Tick Tock, I realized I had to give back, more. So I’m currently working on a game show as well that’s exclusive to children.” Ahsan said.
He futher added “While we were dubbing the first episode of Tick Tock, we realized how amazing it was. The animation and the production quality are far better than anything Pakistan has seen till date. That’s when the makers decided to turn it into a feature film. I’m dubbing for it currently and it’s slated to release sometime in December.”
Setting new standards of #Animation in #Pakistan – S 4 Solutions presents #TickTock … #Fun and #Adventure adapted from true events. Starring 🌟🌟🌟🌟Ghulam Mohiuddin Ahsan KhanAlyy KhanMaria Memon
Posted by Tick Tock on Wednesday, November 30, 2016