Armeena Khan is an International star, after her film “Writhe”, her second International venture “The Achilles Protocol” is in process and the starlet just revealed her latest look for that. Armeena Khan on her Instagram account revealed her latest look from the movie, She shared her first look for the movie on her social media account few months back which intrigued the masses. The Starlet has recently revealed another look from her character and made us all curious about it. Armeena is starring alongside Christopher Faith in the main leads, she has given her sweat and blood to the role of ISIS in the film.
“I play an artificial intelligence with a GOD complex called ISIS, the role demanded me to have a certain type of look so I literally worked on physically transforming for the character. Once the movie is out, you’ll certainly notice the muscles I’ve put on myself. A.I are different, and the character I play in Achilles Protocal is larger than life, with fitted costumes. There was no room for a mistake and so I had to make sure, I looked my part. There were long extensions for my hair and a lot of muscle on my body,” Armeena had shared.