I watched the second show of Saqib Malik’s debut directorial venture Baaji, a real treat for all Meera fans and a thorough entertainer. It would not be wrong to say that the film is a full package with all the right Masalas and ingredients to make it a worth watch and enjoyable movie. The film got drama, comedy,action, romance and thrill and bit of suspense too. I really like the way the movie took a drastic turn in the end of the film. The supposedly cool dude who happens to be the hero of the film turns into a villain!
Baaji is a full pack entertainment with great music and best choreography. Thank God in this film we don’t have to see some lame dance steps like other flicks, choreography is just on spot so is direction. The Cameo of Mehwish Hayat Gangster Guriya looks good though it could be done better. The end of the movie is again unexpected one and is really cool, its end is not like other films which can be easily predictable. So Yes for me Baaji is a perfect Watch, a one in all package and a Must Watch. Rating it straight 4 stars.
by missmalhi