Bhaagi being top the trended drama serial has ended tonight on Urdu 1. The biopic brilliantly played by Saba Qamar focused on the life story of the social media sensation Qandeel Baloch, and broughta new side of Qandeel, which was never known to people. The drama began amidst a number of controversies ranging from death threats to a number of issues that the cast faced even before the beginning of the shooting. While it is ending  it fell into another controversy. A Social activist and lawyer Nighat Dad, on her Facebook account claimed that Baaghi had cashed over Qandeel’s plight, forgoing her parents who were still struggling to make ends meet and penny pinching to fight their daughter’s case.

Furthermore she cticized Team Bhaagi for giving away goodies.

However, Nina Kashif, Head of Programming and General Manager at Urdu 1, also took to her Facebook Status in reply. Making an official statement, Nina shunned all claims made by Nighat Dad, by claiming Baaghi followed legal procedure, obtaining creative rights from Qandeel’s parents before the drama aired.