Bollywood veteran actor Nawazuddin wife Aaliya Siddiqui has filed for a divorce and  for children custody as being reported has sent him a legal notice through her lawyer. The couple got married in  the year 2008. Aaliya’s lawyer said that the notice was sent on 7th May. Talking to Indian media Aaliya said, “I want to go with the flow. I haven’t thought much about the future, but I don’t want this marriage anymore. There are no chances of reconciliation.” She further added, “I have gone back to my original name, Anjana Kishor Pandey. I don’t want to be reminded that I am using someone’s identity for my benefit.Our problems started soon after we got married over a decade ago. Two months of lockdown gave me a lot of time to introspect. Self-respect is extremely important in a marriage. Woh meri khatam ho chuki thi, I didn’t have that. I was made to feel like a nobody, I always felt alone. His brother Shamas was also an issue.”