IF you happen to scroll by some pictures online or even stroll in a beautiful garden and spot a giant cat lazing around, DON’T JUST STOP THERE, RUN?!!!

Just kidding, it’s not real! It’s just Mr. Richard Saunders’s handy work, in remembrance of Tolly, hi pet cat. No Really, after Tolly passed away in February, Mr. Richard got inspiration from a cat shaped topiary and viola! Tolly everywhere! Lazing on the beaches, drinking water from the lakes, looking out for you, looking at you, standing up, sitting down, damn I’m tired…

“I’m fascinated by how things go viral – I never planned to make any money out of the project. It’s just a bit of fun,” Mr. Saunders said

#topiarycat by #richsaunders #artoftheday #tweetistan

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Yeah, so he didn’t except any money and fame, and that’s why he got so much of it , because he made them out of love! A lot of people who see the Tolly-shaped topiaries, refuse to believe that they’re not real. No kidding, they take a lot of convincing after that and Mr. Saunders doesn’t really feel good about that…

 “I try to correct people, but sometimes they don’t want to know and want to keep believing they’re real,” he said.

Mr Saunders, we totally get you! And Hats off to your artistic prowess and Tolly will always be remembered by millions of people!