Irfan Khan and Saba Qamar ‘s promising upcoming flick Hindi Medium’s trailer is out and is making waves. The trailer clearly suggests that the movie gonna be intense with a good share of  humour in it too. Both leading actors seems to perform their roles very diligently and the on screen chemistry they share seems great. The movie is releasing on 12th of May this year! This exciting trailer suggests that this movie gonna be a classy not to miss one !

Irrfan Khan can be you. So can be Saba Qamar. Any parent who has gone through the experience of getting his or her child to a ‘good school’ will definitely empathise. As will those whose lack of English makes them feel left out. Because in our country, knowing English is akin to being intelligent. Hindi Medium is a take on all such people who feel they are a notch apart because they know English. And what a funny, hilarious and emotional take it is!

An adorable still of #IrfannKhan and #SabaQamar from an upcoming Bollywood film 🎥

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