Episode 10 of much popular drama serial Koi Chand Rakh went on air yesterday, the drama is based on a tale of Arrogance, Obsession, Persistence and sacrifice which is beautifully penned down by a renowned writer Maha Malik and the play is brilliantly directed by Siraaj ul Haq. Imran Abbaas and Ayeza Khan performances are simply outstanding. This episode revolves around Nishaal’s shameless pursuit of Zain and Zain’s shunning Rabail as his wife.
Nishaal is such a hate able character, she is a girl who is so mean and selfish that she is literally ruining her cousin’s life with her own hands. Her hate and jealousy towards Rabail is so deep that she is not realizing the fact that she is crossing her limits. Had she expressed her love and likeness for Zain with Rabail she would have never married him. But no she deliberately ruined her and moreover she is continuously after Zain and is making him jealous by getting close with Zia.
Zain on the wedding night is being rude with her bride, if she is not the girl of his dreams then why he married her ? Just for his fake ego and arrogance he is not less than Nishaal he is also just using Rabail to make Nishaal jealous but now when Nishaal is making Zain jealous by getting too close to his friend Zia, Zain is compelled to confess his love for Nishaal and he also said that he has no interest in Rabail. Zain’s father watches Zain passionately embracing each other, he cannot stand all that and he gets a heart attack.
Zain’s father on hospital bed scolds Zain and tells him that he has seen him with Nishaal and forbids him to stay away from all this otherwise he will see him dying. He further advised Zain to respect his holy bond with Rabail. Nishaal on the other hand is super happy on Zain’s confession that he loves her. She has made her mind to win Zain, her inner self warns her for the consequences and question her for so much selfishness but Proud and Persistent Nishaal silenced her inner voice as she thinks it is her right to be mean with Rabail and get Zain by any means.