Krrish Chhabria, performing the role of the Hero of the movie Dhanak was spotted wearing a turquoise bracelet in the first few promos of the movie. After much speculation it was disclosed in the promos launched later that he was a staunched supporter of Salman Khan. A few scenes even show him trying to pull off some classic Salman maneuvers, while his sister, Pari can’t help but sing praises of Shahrukh Khan. Chotu is even shown closing off his ears and murmuring a mantra of “Salman” when Pari is on a roll about the greatness of Shahrukh.

Some think this is not as simple as it seems, the allegiance and love of these orphan kids might mean more than it meets the eye. The turquoise bracelet might be an omen of sorts; maybe Mr Kukunoor is using it as a symbol, after all the ending of the movie isn’t known. Will Salman Khan sweep in to save the kids? Will Shahrukh be able to get Chotu’s eyesight back? What will happen to the kids after the long trek against Rajasthan?  Dhanak is releasing on 17th June, Stay tune for more details on this unique and inspiring story!

#HUMFilms presents movie of the year #Dhanak . Releasing on 17th June. @a4asfar

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