The upcoming Fahad Mustafa and Mahira Khan starrer film Quaid e Azam Zindabad’s poster is  finally revealed. Lead actors Mahira Khan and Fahad Mustafa shared the posters on their social media accounts. Mahira shares the poster on her Instagram and Twitter with caption saying  ” Kabhi yeh socha hai, note per Quaid-e-azam Ki tasveer kyun hai ?The poster shows a thousand rupees notes with Quaid e Azam’s picture on that in a frame. Well the subject of the film seems to be something relating with materialism or corruption. The film  is directed by Nabeel Qureshi and also co-written by him and Fiza Ali Meerza, it is t for he first time, Fahad and Mahir will be sharing  the screens. The release date of the film is not decided yet due to the pandemic going.