Our Superstar Mahira Khan has announced her first-ever production project, titled Baarwan Khiladi, a web-series based on Cricket Theme which surely gonna be a treat to watch.”A coming of age story set against the backdrop of the OG of all games — cricket. A story about friendships, relationships, unity, failure, success, love and courage. A small peak into a labour of love and hard work … from all of us to all of you,” writes Mahira in her Instagram Post. The actors names tagged includes names like Daniyal Zafar, Kinza Hashmi, Mohsin Gillani, Saba Faisal, Sarmad Khoosat, Mira Sethi, and promising new talent such as, Shahveer Jafferi, Zarrar Khan, Khaqan Shahnawaz, Meer Yousuf, among others. Sounds Exciting.