In her recent morning show with Nida Yasir, Mawra Hocane nonchalantly calls Catcalling fun, its fun of Lahore. When she was asked by the host, “Have you ever been teased?” Mawra’s reply was “I think this is the fun of Lahore. The boys are catcalling, teasing, the cars are blasting full music. I think that’s the feel of Lahori Eid.” she further added, “So we don’t mind, keep looking at us.”  When Nida asked again, ” “If anyone teases you even now, you won’t mind?” on which Mawra replies, “No, chalega, unki bhi Eid hai. (It doesn’t matter, its their Eid too)”. Well it is disturbing at so many levels Catcalling is not fun at all. Boys having fun and enjoying eid at the expense of harrassing women and catcalling is not fun at all. It is a serious matter Mawra!