The gorgeous budding actress Naimal Khawar who was starred with Mahira khan in the film Verna is now teaming up with Haniya Amer and Shehzad Sheikh for her upcoming drama serial Kainaat and she is currently busy in its shooting in Chitral!  “I can’t reveal much about the story at the moment but you can say it’s a family drama, based on family values, love and relationships,”  Naimal gives an idea about the play which will be produced under the banner of MD productions and it is written by Samira Fazil and directed by Yakeen Ka Safar famed Shehzad Kashmiri. “You can say it’s quite different. Maghul was quite a simple girl who did not know much of the world but here my character is strong. Albeit that she’s a simple, contended girl, she’s also strong to take charge of the situations in life, she knows how to handle her life,” shares Naimal about her character.

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