As far as as celebrations and campaigns are concerned. Olper’s has come up up with yet another one, with the hashtag ,“ #BakingMonth ”,Olper’s brings you a series of easily baked dishes!


Not only are the tips and recipes a treasure for all homemakers, but also for people who look for time savers like these on a regular basis. So stay tuned and save your sanity and time both!

Here’s a quick recipe for a yum Dip Brought to you by Olper’s :

Make yummy desserts, dips, pastries and many more with #Olpers #BakingMonth #Tweetistan

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Mix Olper’s cream with finely chopped spinach, carrots and herbs.

Mound this mixture in a baking dish and sprinkle 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese on top. Bake in oven for 15-20 minutes.

Serve with pita bread or crackers and enjoy!