Few days back the heartthrob Osman Khalid Butt has posted a picture with the gorgeous Ayeza Khan on his Instagram account with the caption “reunited”. Ayeza Khan and  Osman Khalid Butt has shared the screen together in 2013 HUM TV’s Ramazan  special drama  Ghalti say Mistake ho gayee. According to the sources, Osman and Ayeza is paired for an upcoming drama serial Chupke Chupke which will be aired  through out the month of Ramazan at HUM TV. The play is written by Suno Chanda famed writer Saima Akram Choudhry and the play is directed by the extremely talented director Danish Nawaz. Digital sensation, YouTuber Arsalan Naseer of the Comics By Arsalan (CBA) fame is making his television debut in this show.