When it comes to celebrities and their opinions, they weight a ton, the opinions of course! The celebs are healthy and fit though the secrets to there are far more than we can comprehend. *wink
But we’ve got a few of them in store, and the most important food ranked by the celebrities in terms of taste and weight maintenance is…. Wait for it…. It’s a tie between, “Fruits” and “Eggs”.
Shocked?! No really, the first one was obvious but the second one is quite queer! Though the super gorgeous Sarah Khan loves to eat eggs in any form boiled, omelet, half cooked, baked anything! And Aijaz Aslam is known to eat 15 eggs at a time!
Celebrities like Bahroze Sabzwari, Sunita Marshal, Maria Wasti and Aijaz Aslam swears by their bowls of fruits! Worth a try , if fruits can make you look younger just like these beautiful people!