WBJ Media presents a very high quality and velocity of adventure in the world of animation with the upcoming movie Dajjal – The Slayer and his Followers. The movie is written, directed and produced by Rana Abrar; the movie is set to hit the cinemas in the year 2018. The much talented team of “Messenger 2050” is handling the animation work for Dajjal – The Slayer and his Followers which is a story of good and evil faith and proxy wars for a world’s dominating kingdom; where the ruler is the patriarch of an international worship places.
Dajjal – The Slayer and his Followers will be created on the time duration of 100 minutes and the movie will be released in five languages including Arabic, English, Urdu, Malay, Turkish worldwide. The movie will open for exhibition in 50+ countries worldwide and it will be launched from Pakistan and the UAE.