Ekta Kapoor tweeted that she is going to make a family drama after many years and according to Indian sources its remake of Karan Johar’s famous family drama movie Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham. KKKG is 2001 family drama featuring Shah Rukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Hrithik Roshan and Jaya Bachchan, and so far only two actors have been finalized for the TV adaptation.According to some rumours saying that actor Rajat Tokas of Jodha Akbar (TV show) has been approached to play the role of SRK, while Rahul Raichand and Varun Sood have been shortlisted for the part played by Hrithik Roshan.
A family soap after years !!! Mostly done love stories recently with d backdrop of family!! This soap will air on SONY …a family that eats together stays together NOOOO a family that accepts each other stays together
— Ekta Kapoor (@ektaravikapoor) April 19, 2018