Finally the veil has been lifted and the Pakistani super talented actress Saba Qamar debuts in Bollywood against Irrfan Khan in a project, which is untitled at the moment but the story resembles Deepika‘s film ”Piku”
The model refused to work with Indian actor Randeep Hooda but she did confess that she would love to work opposite to the King Khan and RanbirKapoor as in her words in her interview with express tribune,
“I love Bollywood films and I would love to do a film opposite Shah Rukh Khan or Ranbir Kapoor. It should be A grade work, I would love to do a film with Irrfan Khan too, he is a brilliant actor”
Before you say anything, hold your pitchforks and torches. Saba has made it quite clear that she won’t be doing any bold scene or any item number,
“Any bold scenes are an absolute no for me. This has been decided long ago: I won’t be doing any bold scenes in the film, nor will I be told to do an item number, I just need to show my acting skills through the film. I won’t allow people to talk behind me and say,‘Yehiss ne kia kiya?’ Besides, I will not be Saba Qamar there but an individual Pakistani, representing my country on Indian soil”
Another actress Mawra Hocane made similar “Pledges” but the result came out otherwise. “Yikess!”