Saath Din Muhabbat In is directed by Meenu Gaur and Farjad Nabi, it is the story of a young man on the quest for his true love. The film is starring Mahira Khan and Sheheryar Munawar in the leads while the other cast includes Javed Sheikh, Amna Ilyas, Mira Sethi, Aamir Qureshi and Adnan Shah Tipu. Well the news is that Dawn Film and IMGC’s upcoming movie, Saat Din Mohabbat In has proudly added to its star studded cast the gorgeous Ayesha Omer and the super talented Hina Dilpazeer.

“I said yes to the movie as soon as I read the script. I absolutely loved the concept of the movie as it is a complete entertainer with a pinch of both comedy and romance” said the gorgeous Ayesha Omer.