We are dependent upon trees for the production of various goods. Trees provide raw material such as wood, rubber, etc that is turned into furniture, utensils, papers, decorative items and what not. It is also used in building houses. Trees also bear fruits that are raw or are processed and used in manufacturing jams, jellies, juices, sauces and what not. Many of the items produced with the raw material extracted by trees are exported to other countries to boast businesses and the overall economy of the country. So, the greater number of trees we plant the greater number of such goods we can produce.

As already descried the importance of trees and benefits of trees, there are also numeral of the benefits of the trees except mention above such as Save Water, conserve energy, reduce violence, add unity, provide wood and save earth from an earthquake. You should participate in PlantyourTrees.com to “Save Trees to Save Life”. Save trees to reduce global warming, reduce the carbon footprint and pollution as well as a clean environment.

As a Pakistani, it is our responsibility to make our country cleaner and greener; for this we must take an oath and plant at least one tree so that tomorrow our kids and newer generation will get benefited from these trees, their shadows, and a better environment. Muhammad Ramzan Chhipa one of the prominent names from the social welfare workers has taken this very seriously and strongly thinks that clean and green Pakistan is the guarantee of a prosperous and progressive future.

Aik Fard Aik Poda | Chhipa Welfare | Plantation | Green Pakistan

شجر کاری مہم میں معروف سماجی کارکن محمد رمضان چھیپا کا ساتھ دیںدرخت لگائیں، پاکستان کو سرسبز و شاداب بنائیںایک فرد ایک پودا۔۔۔کیونکہ یہ ہے زندگی کا سوداWatch in HD Quality: https://youtu.be/WQu-6T01XjUاس پیغام کو جہاں تک ممکن ہو عام کیجئےکیونکہ یہ ہے صدقہ جاریہ اور آنے والی نسلوں کا تحفظOfficial Hashtags: #ChhipaWelfare #AikFardAikPoda#SarSabzPakistan #GreenPakistan #BillionTree #ShajarKari #Awarness #Plantation #GreenEnergy #Tree4Life #Plant4Pakistan #GreenEnergy #CleanGreenPakistan #Environment #SupportChhipaانسانیت کے پیغام کو عام کیجئے اور اپنے احباب سے زیادہ سے زیادہ شیئر کیجئےwww.facebook.com/ChhipaWelfarewww.YouTube.com/ChhipaWelfarewww.Instagram.com/ChhipaWelfarewww.Twitter.com/ChhipaWelfarewww.Chhipa.org

Posted by Muhammad Ramzan Chhipa on Monday, April 8, 2019


Muhammad Ramzan Chhipa also added that people should come forward and stay united to support Pakistan Government’s this much needed and significant step by planting trees and taking care of them in their respective ways. By planting at least one tree, you can play a very essential role for your country’s better environment. 

So, what are you waiting for, it’s time to act and become the part of Government of Pakistan’s Tree Plantation drive just like Muhammad Ramzan Chhipa did.