Momina Mustehsan left everyone shocked with her performance with the Lyari rapper Eva Bat at the Lux Style Awards 2019. Well quite a number of videos of her LSA 2019 performance went viral on the internet and public on social media has start trolling her videos, someone calling it a Kindergarten girls performance. Well apart from these comments and remarks by the public on social a famous Comedian and actor Salman Saqib popularly known as Mani also trolled Momina in his Instagram post saying , “Chaloo”IQRA aur YASIR “tou phir zindge ke shrouaat ker rehay thaiaye unkay peechay aap sab bilawajha mai parday…. Asal baat tou yeh thiee.. koi mujhay batayega yeh kiya hai???yeh hai kiyaa?”  He further added, ” Death of rap and dance…..MOMIINA mout kay kunwaien mai moter cycle chalay howyae….lux awards mai oscar winning performance…..MATLAB had hai” Well his wife Hira Mani also liked his post.