ZASHKO Entertainment which has announced its debut film Na Band Na Baraati which was slated to be released on July 6, 2018 will now hit the cinemas nationwide on Eid-ul-Fitr 2018. This decision was made in an effort to support the initiative taken by the Federal Government of Pakistan to strengthen the local film industry by putting a limited restriction on the screening of all Indian films during the period of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha. Film Na Band Na Baraati is a family comedy movie directed by Mahmood Akhtar and produced by Zain Farooqi under the banner of ZASHKO Entertainment. The story of the film is penned by Harish Kumar Patel and the cast includes Mikaal Zulfiqar, Qavi Khan, Atiqa Odho, Azra Mohyeddin, Shayan Khan, Nayab Khan, Mahmood Akhtar, Komal Farooqi, Ali Kazmi and others.