13 Reasons Why is a very famous series based on a novel by Jay Asher where a girl Hannah Baker is compelled to take her own life, the show took it too far by actually showing  attempting suicide in a very graphic manner. The team of 3 Reasons why is working on editing the controversial – and triggering for many –  suicide scene from the first season before the release of the season 3. The makers of the series have decided to remove the scene on the  advice from medical experts such as Dr. Christine Moutier, Chief Medical Officer at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. In a statement Netflix spokesperson said, “We’ve heard from many young people that 13 Reasons Why encouraged them to start conversations about difficult issues like depression and suicide… As we prepare to launch season 3 later this summer, we’ve been mindful about the ongoing debate around the show.” He further added,”On the advice of medical experts… we’ve decided with creator Brian Yorkey to edit the scene in which Hannah takes her own life from Season 1.”