Passoon (پاسون) is a short film based on a young climate activist in Dir, Pakistan named Manal Shad, this short film is filmed by  Sarah Jehaan Khan, a student at Manfield College Oxford University. The word Passoon  literally means to rise for a cause and that is what the film depicts. It documents  innovative sustainability methods from Pakistan and celebrates the leadership of young Pakistani women. Sara says that she decided to make film on Sara when she has come across her video on social media  where she is addressing a congregation of men about some social issues in her hometown. ” I immediately knew I wanted to get in touch with her, and once I managed to find her in Dir, I spent some days at her home and visited her school where I filmed Passoon. Seeing the impact individuals such as Greta Thunberg have had, I felt it was equally important to amplify the voices of young climate activists from developing countries such as Pakistan” says Sarah she further added, “This experience has made me appreciate the power film has in addressing, and even tackling global human rights issues such as climate change. I hope to continue using mediums of storytelling to address the reality of the risk climate change poses to basic human rights, but also to document innovative adaptation strategies from around Pakistan.” The film bagged the first prize at Girls Impact The World Festival making Pakistan feel proud on its little 8 years old climate activist girl Mana.