Recently the trio Humayun Saeed, Mehwish Hayat and Urwa Hocane revealed the trailer of ‘Punjab Nahi Jaaongi’ with full desi Swag. Since the trailer of the ‘Punjab Nai Jaaongi’ is out, it give us the inkling how will be the film, well the trailer suggest that the movie gonna be a full package of romance with intense emotions, passion, grandeur , brilliant performances and great music. The trailer made us awestruck with the beautiful setting, intense performances and yes there is one item number too with Urwa performing on it.
‘Punjab Nahi Jaaongi’ is a penned down by Khalil ul Rehman Qamar who is well known for his edgy, powerful and witty dialogues aspeople still remember and cherish his dialogues from his super hit drama serial Lunda Bazzar. So ‘Punjab Nahi Jaango’ will surely a treat for all Khalil ul Rehman Qamar’s fans. We are expecting from him the same sharp edged spontaneous dialogues and passionate characters. It will be Khalil ul Rehman’s cinematic venture after almost a decade last screenplay he wrote for Reema Khan.
Well on the basis of judging the movie from its trailer and teaser it seems an average romantic movie sorta formula. Well the fact that the screenplay of the film is written by Khalil ul Rehman Qamar made it worth waiting for kind of. Well it seems a promising flick as far as entertainment is concerned as it is made by the makers of Jawani Phir Nahi Ani which too give us some hopes that movie will be fun filled too besides being emotional and romantic.
The sizzling chemistry that we witnessed in Jawani Phir Nahi Ani is still evident in this trailer as the onscreen couple is back as well in this film. Another thing which makes ‘Punjab Nahi Jaaongi’ interesting and worth waiting is the come back of Sohail Ahmed on big screen we are so keen to watch the talented Azizi giving brilliant performance in this film. Another interesting thing about movie is the Punjabi accented lovestruck Humayun Saeed again reflecting Khalil ul Rehman’s affiliation towards Punjab and its culture.
Well to sum up the whole ‘Punjabi Nahi Jaaongi’ seems a worth watch movie with good performances, intense romance and emotions and hopefully looking forward to see some quality entertainment. Do Watch it!