Indian music label T-Series has removed Atif Aslam’s version of the song Kinna Sona from YouTube after the hashtag #TakeDownAtifAslamSong started trending on Twitter in India. The song was of 2019’s action drama film  Marjaavaan starring Tara Sutaria and Sidharth Malhotra. T -Series has also issued an apology for not  following the All Indian Cine Workers Association (AICWA) which has banned Pakistani artists from working across the border . They also issued a statement in which they are admitting their mistake.”It has been brought to our notice that the said song has been sung by Atif Aslam and this song was put up on the YouTube channel of T-Series by one of our employees from the promotion team. He was unaware of his action and erred while putting up the song,” They further added ensuring that they will never work with Pakistani artists in future, “We condemn our mistake and apologize for the same. We assure you that henceforth we will neither release, nor promote the song on any platform of T-Series. Meanwhile, we are removing the said song from our YouTube channel. We also assure you that henceforth we will not be releasing or promoting work by any Pakistani artists”.