Here’s a little synopsis on Alan Rickman’s Last movie, who passed away four months before the Release date!

“Following through her father’s footsteps for the past few years, Alice Kinglieigh sails the high seas.When she returns to London she comes across a magical looking glass and returns to the Fantastical Realm of the underworld. She gets to meet her friends the White Rabbit, Absolem, the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter, who is not himself. “

The Main Characters are played by; Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter, Mia Wasikowska as Alice, Anne Hathaway as the White Queen, Sacha Baron as Time, Helena Bonham as the Red Queen and Alan Rickman (of course!) as caterpillar.


While the cast was great, and maybe the movie too, the box office numbers quite didn’t match up. The movie didn’t bode that well with the viewers, although the timing of Depp-Heard divorce shenanigan is very fishy. Something might be up on that font, no? We can bet our header here, the timing seems a bit off, read our views on the Depp-Heard issue and tell us you don’t agree with this theory! Go on!!