Yes, they very own Geo Kahani, the one channel that carried on despite whatever happened around the world is now set to go for Ramzan with its first ever Ramadan Show. Be prepared to be amazed the facts you learn about your favorite celebrities while they chat with Hina Bayat in “Iftar Mulaqaat”.

You guessed right, their host is the wonderful lady, Hina Bayat Khan. She will be talking to a different Celeb each day and give us a lot of insight into how they live and spend their Ramzan. The other big name is Chef Shai, no kidding! She is going to be cooking on the show for us, two dishes a day along with something to drink!

#HinaBayat hosting Geo Kahani Ramadan Show #IftarMulaqaat

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The best part is, that this show will be short and concise. So, the show is just an hour long, having a celebrity, some secrets and three recipes! I’m definitely planning to watch it, are you?!